About Us
Montana Wyoming Tribal Judges Association

Contact Info
Welcome to the Montana Wyoming Tribal Judges Association
Our organization is committed to strengthening and enhancing tribal justice systems through a holistic approach--training and supporting tribal judges and personnel, providing support and technical assistance to attorneys working in tribal judicial systems, developing tribal and state judicial relationships, and providing education about the importance of tribal judicial systems to federal, state, and tribal stakeholders.
MWTJA is the Tribal Justice Training and Technical Assistance provider under the Bureau of Justice Assistance's (BJA) Tribal Civil and Criminal Legal Assistance (TCCLA) Program, offering training and technical assistance to TCCLA Grantees and Sub-grantee Legal Aid organizations. We also provide training and technical assistance to CTAS Program Area 3 Grantees and to any tribal program interested in Practices featured on the Tribal Access to Justice Innovation website (www.tribaljustice.org). For more information and to request training and technical assistance explore our Training and Programs.